Home > How To Setup Email > How to install a Thunderbird mail client with settings

How to install a Thunderbird mail client with settings

1. Download and install Thunderbird at https://www.thunderbird.net/en-GB/

2. Press the ALT on your keyboard to reveal the secret menu

3. Click on "Tools"

4. Then click on "Accounts Settings"

5. Click on "Account Actions"

6. Click on "Add Mail Account"

7. Enter in "Your full Name"

8. Enter in "Email address"

9. Enter in your password

10. Click on "Configure manually"


11. Protocol: should have "IMAP" selected

12. Hostname: should be your domain name without a dot at the beginning of your domain name

13. The Port: number should be "993"

14. Connection Security: should be "SSL/TLS" or set to auto

15. Authentication method: should be "Encrypted Password"

16. Username: is your email address


17. Hostname: should be your domain name without a dot at the beginning of your domain name

18. The Port: number should be "587"

19. Connection Security: should be "STARTTLS"

20. Authentication method: should be "Normal Password"

21.  Username: is your email address

22. You may get a message "Password Required for Outgoing (SMTP) Server ............. when you try to send an email. Just re-enter the password.